Saturday, January 29, 2011

Short and Sweat

My workout today was:

2500K Row
4 ring pull ups rest 15 sec, 5 ring pullups rest 15 sec and 5 ring pullups
65lbs (light) Deadlifts 10 reps 5 sets 15 sec rest in between sets.
Did 15min yoga session.
Todays was relaxed, kind of just did want I felt like.

Tomorrow is a rest day for me. However, if it is a nice day tomorrow I might go for a run.

Tonight I went to go and see 127hours. It was awesome! I really liked the creative cinematography, really well done. Good eye opener!
I will not post anything tomorrow.
 Jump high lift heavy. See you guys Monday.

Seeing a difference

My Lunch Yesterday Had the same thing for dinner
Well I did the workout yesterday in 10:04
16 Ring Dips with the Hard elastic
12 Kettlebell Swings 25lbs
8 Push press 65lbs
I am pleased!!

This morning I woke up took a shower and I took a picture of my stomach and compared it to a pic I took three weeks ago. I really see a huge improvement I actually have a four pack at the top half of my stomach and the vertical line that lines out the rectus abdominus is really showing. I would post pictures however, after having kids lets just say my stomach is not the same. Maybe in a couple of days I will post after I have had time to think if I want viewers seeing my stretched out stomach. But hey its part of life so I might as well. ITS REALLL........

I have cut out eating any refine carbohydrates such as pasta, rice, bread and crackers. Also, I have limited my treats to once a week and not caving. I have to go teach a class right now so when I return home I will post some pictures.

I can't do it is yet! Not ready to show my stretchy belly. One day!

Peace out!!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Feeling the Burn

My Lunch yesterday. Ground beef and homemade coleslaw!

Well, I woke up this morning in a rush. I didn't hear my alarm go off and I had a client at 7:30am. I got up at 7:28am ran downstairs, scrapped the wind shield of the car and zoomed away.

Last night was terrible as I was exhausted from yesterdays workout. My son went to bed at 10pm and my daughter at 12 at night. I was awaken to take the 12 shift to put my daughter to bed. I woke up at 1am with a massive migraine and stayed awake until 4:30am. So basically I am running on an hour and half of SLEEP!!! AHHHH!!!


Started to shovel after workout and gave up

Crazy snow storm

My Workout today is going to the workout that I was going to do yesterday at the gym:
Three Rounds for time of:
Ring Dips 16
Kettlebell Swings 12
Push Press 8

After my workout I plan to work on my ring pull ups as I have been neglecting pull ups for a while.

I will post my time and the weight that I used later today with hopefully a video of me going through some pain. Until later! Be positive and workout hard!

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Well I had to cancel my classes at the gym due to the snow storm. So this is the workout I did today

5 Rounds 30sec on 10sec off
Skipping regular: 100,75,36 (I did a 20 min skipping workout yesterday so my calves are shot),85,50
5 Rounds 30 sec on and 10 sec off
skipping with legs jumping wide and together: 57,55,37,60,40
5 Rounds 30 seconds on and 10sec off
Skipping with high knees: 60,37 (calves gave out),.....stopped decided that burn means my muscles telling not to push them and harder. Didn't want to experience an Achilles injury.
I did the workout I posted on my gym site for my members to do at home:

Jumping switching Lunges 20
Push ups 15

Going Down into my push up

Extended up

And Rest!!

V-Ups (I did the full version on my sit bones) 10 reps
Three Rounds for time

These were tuff
Three Rounds 6:44. I was impressed with my time considering I am jacked up on some serious meds for a really bad flu.

Even Trainers need to do something to keep motivation at a High

The inside of my gym

The pull up rig

Squat Stands

Video will not post! I will try again later. I have to run kids just woke up! I will post this link for the video and upload it later.The fittest I have felt

I decided to post this video of me for self motivation that I can push myself beyond my limit. This video was in July 2010. Here I felt at my fittest. I am originally from a small sunny island in the Caribbean and I am having a hard time currently to keep my motivation high during the really cold winter here in New Brunswick. It has been -30 for about three days now. You literally can not go outside without any form on protection on your hands. Okay enough bitching about the winter!

For my workout today I plan to do the workout I designed for my gym members:

Three Rounds for time
Ring dips 16
K.B Swings 12
Push Press 8
I will post my results this afternoon. 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My first Page

I really don't have time to be doing a blog. However, I am lacking in the motivation department after being sick with the flu for three weeks unable to do any intense exercise. So I decided even if one person checks my blog I would still feel accountable to do some exercise. Apparently you can't edit your profile for each individual blog. Which sucks!! I currently run a kids playgroup from my gym so I have to leave my profile as is.
My name is Cristina
I have two kids a 19month old and a 3 year old. I am Certified CrossFit Trainer, Certified Personal Trainer, Sports Conditioning Specialist and I have a College Diploma in Fitness and Health promotion. In other words I live and breath Fitness lol.

Today I just got some heavy duty medication for my flu due to the fact that I can't do some form of intense exercise and need this to be gone. I am "training" for  two  triathlons in the summer. I did one last year summer my time was 1:42:06 for a sprint triathlon. I am glad I finished as I am not a strong biker. This year I would like to beat that time.

It is Winter here in Sackville, NB Canada so I am doing CrossFit workouts for now. I do plan to bike indoors I just haven't set the bike on the track is yet! One more thing to do. The house is currently a disaster and my desire to clean is let just say it doesn't exist today. My workouts today is light:

20 rounds of skipping 1 min on 30 sec rest
My results I did 18 rounds:156,180,125,200,135,185,181,162,145,176,187,192,165,183,175,182, 28 (double unders), 42(double unders)

I would like to say thank you to Anna for inspiring to do a blog: