Saturday, January 29, 2011

Seeing a difference

My Lunch Yesterday Had the same thing for dinner
Well I did the workout yesterday in 10:04
16 Ring Dips with the Hard elastic
12 Kettlebell Swings 25lbs
8 Push press 65lbs
I am pleased!!

This morning I woke up took a shower and I took a picture of my stomach and compared it to a pic I took three weeks ago. I really see a huge improvement I actually have a four pack at the top half of my stomach and the vertical line that lines out the rectus abdominus is really showing. I would post pictures however, after having kids lets just say my stomach is not the same. Maybe in a couple of days I will post after I have had time to think if I want viewers seeing my stretched out stomach. But hey its part of life so I might as well. ITS REALLL........

I have cut out eating any refine carbohydrates such as pasta, rice, bread and crackers. Also, I have limited my treats to once a week and not caving. I have to go teach a class right now so when I return home I will post some pictures.

I can't do it is yet! Not ready to show my stretchy belly. One day!

Peace out!!

1 comment:

  1. You're fit, strong and beautiful. :) Don't be ashamed of your mummy-marks. They just highlight your status as a super mom ;)
