Saturday, February 12, 2011

Laziness= dreadful workout

Okay, I was lazy yesterday! So for lunch I made a soup that called for canned corn and salmon. I have to mention that I have not bought much at the grocery store for just over three months. My usual shopping list at the grocery store includes: milk, yogurt, carrots and local apple cider. Everything else I purchase at the farmers market on Saturdays.

After eating this soup along with insufficient hydration. I could feel my blood pressure rise really fast. My breath was heavy and during my workout my lungs felt like they were on fire. It was terrible :( Having said this I will never do this again. I will never buy anything in a can again. Lesson well learn't. I know it is from the high sodium in the salmon. I eat sardines sometimes so I didn't think I would be so sensitive to sodium. However, I think it was a combination of the canned corn, salmon and the vegetable stock cube.

Today I still don't feel 100%.

My workout yesterday was:
25lbs Barbell step ups on two 45lbs plates anda 25lbs plate
Box jumps on two boxes 19" high 
10 Deadlifts 65lbs (my lower back was not 100% due a fall I experienced on my icy driveway)
I did 11 rounds and the step ups and the jumps in 25min.

The kids are sleeping now so I will be doing an at home workout:

1000 skips in 6:54

300 skips
10 push ups with one arm twisted plank
Four Rounds
I will post time right after :)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The difference between pullups, chinups and kiping pullups

Today at 6:30am I did 100 Burpee pull ups on the rings in 16:37. I am really happy with this time :)

Taken from CrossFit Kinetics amazing pic!
 I want to talk a little bit about Pull ups. Pull ups are done with an overhand grip and Chin ups are done with a underhand grip. I would highly encourage practising both as they do work slightly different muscles.

So, the difference between a kiping pull up and a regular pull up as you can see in the picture here there is a large swing involved in the kiping pullup. THIS IS NOT CHEATING. This is a completely different exercise than a regular pull up. If you are able to do one regular pull up you can most likely do two to three kiping pullups. This exercise is done for both power and strength. It will help develop your muscles to enable you to do strict pull ups.

Congrats Anna on your first pull up!!


1. Start by doing pull ups with feet on the ground and holding on to a smith machine bar bring your chin up over the bar and lower slowly back to plank position. At home you can do them on a 2' wooden dowel between two chairs (the same way as described on the smith machine).

2. You can then add negative pull ups. On a bar jump hold your chin over the bar and lower slowly.

3. If you have portable gymnastic rings then doing ring rows in combination with the above two with in 3-6 months you will have your pullups (this depends how and how much you train).

This picture on the left is depicting strict pull ups this is mainly done for strength.

If you have any questions feel free to post it on a comment.

Until tomorrow. Jump high..lift heavy!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Bike or Treadmill

Since biking is the longest part of a triathlon I really need to focus on improving my bike time for my triathlon in the summer. Therefore, I would like to purchase this baby. Another option is to buy the bike monitor for my Garmin GPS watch which is $12 something and hook my bike up to the trainer that I have. This is definitely the cheaper option but not the most compact or safe option around the kids.

Today I did 57 minutes of yoga as I was extremely stiff from my run yesterday.

Tomorrows workout will be to run 2.7K and
3-3-3-3-3 Snatch Balances

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sundays Workout

I ran 2.63K in 20:00 ( just realized this time makes no sense. I checked my GPS watch and I think what happened was I started the timer before the GPS system loaded). I will do the same distance on Tuesday, then I will know what my true time is.

This is my first run in about four months. I had many obstacles during my run, wind and snowbanks. I enjoyed hurdling over the sandbanks and pushed as hard as I could on this run. My lungs found it hard to breathe in the cold as I am still adjusting to winter. Overall, I am pleased and enjoyed my run.

Then I did 20 push ups in 57seconds. Forearms are still sore from rock climbing ahhh!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Brush it off and start fresh

 This week I did only two workouts. Friday I went rock climbing with some of my gym members for two hours and my forearms are shot. I Tried to turn a door knob this afternoon....ummm...lets just say I was close to being stuck in the bathroom.

We all have bad weeks. It's like riding a bike for the first time, you get back up and keep going. Don't stress about the past we only live once its not worth it just move on forward.

 The problem I am finding now that the kids are both home with me Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays is fitting in my workouts on these days. I thought about it this week-end and my only option is to try get them down for their naps the same time and do my workouts then or wake up at 5:30am and workout from 5:30-6:30am. Not sure if I can do that early in the morning, my bed time is around 10:45pm. So...this week I will be trying to fit my workouts in around the kids being home during the day. I really don't want to take them both to the gym to do my workouts but if that is what I will have to do then I guess that might me my only option.

Tuesdays and Thursdays I have only one child at home for the day so those days I have no excuses I can take her to the gym with me.
This was the best feeling in the world just hanging in mid air
Today I took the day off to recover from yesterdays rock climbing marathon.
Sundays Workout:
8K Run

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snowed Out!

My go to when I have a sweet tooth
Well, I have to say I am a little appointed in myself. I did do a workout today but not the one I posted. We got a huge snow storm again!! yey Canada.
 I just did my warm up routine (2 rounds) as fast as I could:
10 Good Mornings broomstick
10 Overhead Squats with broomstick
10 Pull ups
10 Knees to elbows
10 Tricep dips
30 Sec hold Samson stretch

Tomorrow I will do the workout I posted earlier on today.

My Sweet treat in the picture above is: Plain yogurt, cashews and some honey.
I just wanted to write a little about finding nutritious snacks when you are feeling for something sweet. Sticking to treats that have dried fruit and/or nuts seems to satisfy cravings longer. Nut oil is heavy and takes a long time to break down, making it an excellent choice for snacking. Be aware....the amount you eat. You only need to eat small amount as they do carry a lot of good fat. Everything in moderation people. 

Train smart and hard :)

My Journey to lose the loose skin

 This picture was taken around five weeks ago.
I have to say that I have really big hip bones and my muffin tops have now become my target area. However, I am really pleased with my progress with the skin on stomach. It has really started to tighten.

I have not done a workout since Saturday. I am okay with that. If you train smart you don't have to workout six days a week. My goal is to do four-five CrossFit workouts a week.

 This is the end product this was taken last week. The skin has firmed up and my upper abdominals have taken a little bit more definition. A good plastic surgeon can do the rest :)

Todays Workout
Walking Lunges
OH Squat 35lbs
Pull ups (Kiping style)
Skill: Forward Rolls